HAROLD WORDS -From the beginning of time legends of vampires have existed on this place we call Earth. The interesting, distinguishing mark of the vampire is that unlike other "monsters", the vampire has its roots in nearly every part of the world. From Ancient Greece to modern Day, the Vampire has been eternally preying on our imagination, forcing us to ask ourselves whether those things we dismiss as myths are just that...or more.
VAMPIRE STARTS WHERE ???............. :)

The phenomenon of Vampirism continued through the Renaissance era only sporadically, but again grew to epidemic proportions in the 14th Century, mainly in central European Regions of Prussia, Silesia and Bohemia. The bubonic plague was thought to be the work of Vampires and panic of infection led people to bury their dead without completely verifying that they were truly deceased. It was then no wonder that so many encounters of Vampires rising from their graves during this time were noted. A person, buried alive, would try to claw his way out of the grave and would be discovered covered in blood from the wounds he had inflicted upon himself by doing so. This, of course, would label him as a vampire.
In the mid-15th Century, Vampirism again reared its head, most notably in the trial of Frenchman Gilles de Rais. A former member of Joan of Arc's guard and erstwhile Marshal of France, he retired to his lands in Southwest France, devoted to his quest of finding the secret of the "Philosophers' Stone" in blood. He killed about 200 to 300 children by way of horrifying torture, in order to use their blood in his experiments. Later, in the 19th century, Joris-Karl Huysmans portrayed him as an authentic vampire in his novel La-Bas. Also during this time, another historical figure became associated with vampirism. His name was Vlad Tepes Dracula, Prince of Wallachia, an ancient kingdom which is now part of Romania. His double name of Tepes (meaning "Impaler") and Dracula (after his father, Dracul, meaning Devil or Dragon...the 'a' added on to mean 'son of...') suited him quite appropriately. Both a national hero for liberating his lands form the Ottoman invaders and a bloodthirsty tyrant who ordered thousands of people impaled for his pleasure, it is no wonder that his name became synonimous with the vampire legend. Four centuries later, Bram Stoker would write the infamous novel Dracula, which would forever give us the sterotype of the classic vampire.
"Blood Countess")began the legend afresh. She was accused of kidnapping and torturing young girls to death and then bathing in and drinking their blood. She believed that this would preserve her youth and looks. But how did she come to this conclusion? Well, apparantlym she was the wife of a Count who was always away at war. Becoming bored with her lifestyle, she began to study black magic which led to her horrible endeavors. When a large number of young women became missing, Bathory's cousin led a detachment of soldiers and policemen to capture her. She was spared execution because of her royal ties, but was locked up in a tower room for the rest of her life with door and windows shut. Her accomplices though were all executed. This event in history gave rise to numerous rumours of vampirism and inspired many writers unto today. Also, this coupled with poverty and illiterate populations of the time, led to an explosion of vampire and werewolf superstitions in Southern and Eastern Europe. The belief that "Vrykolakas" ( slavic for werewolves) would die and become vampires in the hereafter tied the two myths together quite conveniently. The word 'Vampire', until now unknown, became used as a term for the very first time in 1726, following thousands of reports of vampirism due to the plague. It was first coined in German as "Vanpir" in a report of one case of vampirism. This evolved into "vampyre" in 1732 (used in French) and finally into the English word "Vampire" later that same year. This was the beginning of the end for the vampire as we know it...
ARVLFC the Transylvanian Society of Dracula, roleplaying groups in practically every town on the face of the earth, and even on the internet, vampires live. There is no escaping the seduction and charm of the vampire, both in folkore and reality. It is everywhere we look...there are more vampires out there than one might imagine. The vampire truly is immortal. Perhaps not in the traditional sense of the word, but it has never been completely banished from the moment it reared its not-so-ugly head. From Ancient Greece to modern day, the vampire continues to bleed our imaginations dry...

This theory of course also makes on think that it may not be the blood that animates the vampire, but the fear & pain. Vampires aren't particular they will drink the blood of animals as well as humans.The most obvious characteristic that you think of when referring to the vampire is of course that the creature is dead a yet walks among the living.
Most tales of vampirism tell us that these beings have fangs, are afraid of sunlight, they can shape-shift, (etc. bats and wolves), they cry tears of blood, sleep in a coffin during the day and have extreme levels of strength and speed. Of course it goes without saying that this creature is immortal, unless of course killed using the proper methods.
When you think about vampires usually the first name that you think of is Dracula. Bram Stoker is the man who penned the famous novel "Dracula". It is thought this story that most of us are introduced to vampires.
"Dracula" was actually based on a true Romanian Prince named Vlad Tepes, (pronounced Tzepesh). He was seen as a hero by his countrymen. According to most legend he was considered a fair, but very cruel man. Most of the information about this prince has been handed down to us by verbal tradition in his homeland, and by Russian and German pamphlets printed shortly after his death. The verbal form tells us of his conquests for his country, whereas the pamphlets portrayed him as an evil demon.
The name Dracula (draculaea) simply means son of the Dracul. The name Dracul seems a little harder to decipher. Some say that it means demon or devil, while other historians assert that Vlad the II belonged as a knight of the order of the dragon, hence the surname dracul- dragon, the insignia of the order was a dragon being knocked down by a cross. The knights were a group of Slavic rulers and warlords sworn to uphold the Christian faith against the Turks. The name Tepes is also report to mean "the impaler".
UNDER MY RESEARCH THIS HUNTED CREEPY CASTLE... VAMPIRE RESIDING HERE FOR ABOUT MANY YEARS.. AND NOW AND THEN VAMPIRES ARE STILL LIVING HERE..THIS.. IS IN CENTRAL EUROPE..Vampires want to live us...because of our fresh bloods and they want to conquer the evilness and the devilness of this world...
Ever since I knew vampires existed, I've always wanted to be one.., I've done reaserch about them. Learning everything I can then writing it down.
Still, with all my research, I don't know where most vampires live. So that's when you come in! Anyway prayer is the best way to vanish evils and devils... godbless u guys! and have a bloody day.!
Still, with all my research, I don't know where most vampires live. So that's when you come in! Anyway prayer is the best way to vanish evils and devils... godbless u guys! and have a bloody day.!
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