From The Sketchbook of a World War 2 Soldier

In 1942, Victor A. Lundy was nineteen year old, studying to be an architect in New York University. The war had got him excited, because it provided him an opportunity to rebuild Europe after the war. Eager not to miss the chance, he and other college men enlisted in the Army Special Training Program (ASTP), only to find themselves thrown into the infantry. Lundy was horrified, and later recalled that during his training, he "never listened, I was busy sketching." But soon, "I sort of took to it. ... war experience just hypnotizes young men."
Lundy sketched his way through the war drawing whatever was around him forced marches, men at rest, and French villages. When a surgeon noticed his sketches while Lundy was getting treated for his war injuries, he was recruited to sketch a new medical
procedure the surgeon was developing, allowing Lundy to miss eight dangerous months on the front.
procedure the surgeon was developing, allowing Lundy to miss eight dangerous months on the front.
Lundy filled up more than two dozen spiral bound sketchbooks, 3 inches by 5 inches in size, out of which eight have survived. He donated these, containing a total of 158 pencil sketches, to the Library of Congress in 2009.