After the mass extinction of 250 million years ago, one group of reptiles called dinosaurs started to dominate all others. Their name means terrible lizard. They were the commonest vertebrates for the next 150 million years. During their rule there were plant-eating and meat-eating ones, walking, flying and swimming dinosaurs, big ones, small ones.
At the time when the dinosaurs became dominant, all the land of the Earth was gathered together into Pangea.

Since the first dinosaur fossils were recognized in the early 19th century, mounted fossil dinosaur skeletons or replicas have been major attractions at museums around the world, and dinosaurs have become a part of world culture. Their diversity, the large sizes of some groups, and their seemingly monstrous and fantastic nature have captured the interest and imagination of the general public for over a century. They have been featured in best-selling books and films such as Jurassic Park, and new discoveries are regularly covered by the media.
" Geologists have discovered a bunch of fossilized dinosaur eggs"

The discovery of rare fossil footprints on public lands near the Red Gulch/Alkali National Back Country Byway close to Shell, Wyoming, could alter current views about the Sundance Formation and the paleoenvironment of the Middle Jurassic Period.

There are many theories as to how the dinosaurs became extinct. This page presents some of the most popular thoeries. Keep in mind that there is no absolutely proven theory. No one knows for certain exactly why and how the dinosaurs became extinct.Probably the most popular theory right now is the Asteroid Theory. According to this theory a large asteroid or comet collided with Earth about 65 million years ago. Scientists think that such a large collision would throw so much dust into the air that sunlight would not be able to shine and plants and animals would die. The dramatic changes in climate that resulted from this huge collision were too much for the dinosaurs. They were not able to survive.Another theory that could explain how the dinosaurs became extinct is volcanic activity. A huge increase in volcanic activity at around 65 millions years ago could have pumped so much ash into the air that it blocked out the sun killing the dinosaurs.Some scientists believe that there was a severe ice age. Throughout Earth's history there have been many ice ages. The last one ended about 10,000 years ago. A very severe ice age could have changed temperatures and frozen a lot of Earth's water. The dinosaurs would not be able live under such conditions and that is how the dinosaurs became extinct.It has also been suggested that desease killed off the dinosaurs. A very deadly and contagious desease may have circulated among the dinosaurs forcing them to become extinct.Still yet another theory is that the Earth just gradually changed in climate over a long time period and the dinosaurs were not able to adapt to the cooler, dryer climate.

The other theories as to how the dinosaurs became extinct. One thing is for certain..... All dinosaurs that we know of are extinct. How did all the dinosaurs become extinct?...... Maybe one of these theories is the right answer. However,... it is difficult to explain why all the, dinosaurs died out but many other animals survived. Perhaps one day we will know for certain how the dinosaurs became extinct.... Until then we must speculate and continue the search for the answer to this great mystery of nature..diba??The dinosaurs' long period of dominance certainly makes them unqualified successes in the history of life on Earth.And also for me i will never stop finding and do research about how dinosaurs became extinct to us!! Follow my blog always guys!! thank you! Harold_nesmith.blogspot.com.
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