He had just graduated from Harvard University and was living in
Manhattan. He loved the city and was beginning to feel at home on its
streets. World War II was raging in Europe, and like all other good
citizens, he followed the headlines daily and did his part for the boys
overseas. Hugging his jacket close, he stood shivering at the
corner, waiting for the light to change and wondering where his enlisted
friends might be staying on that cold winter night. He hoped they were
safe. He shivered, only partially from the cold, and looked around him
at the bright lights of Times Square. He never tired of this glittering
His eye was caught by two men who were dressed in the
uniforms of the Royal Air Force of England. They must be on leave, he
thought. The men stopped beside him, glanced quickly at their watches,
and then nodded and grinned at him. The taller of the two asked him, in
the clipped accent of the British, if this was Times Square. He
suppressed a smile at such a touristy question and said that it was.
light changed, and the two RAF pilots fell into step with the Harvard
graduate as he crossed the street. The three men fell into conversation
together as they meandered along the shining streets. The Brits were
thrilled to be in Times Square after all they had suffered in the war.
They didn't go into detail about their wartime experiences, and he
didn't press them. He just enjoyed their pleasure in the scene, which
was marred only by the frequent checking of their watches. Finally, he
asked if they had someplace to be, but they said they were free for the
evening. He promptly invited them to have dinner with him at the Harvard
Club, and the RAF pilots accepted with alacrity. The three men
repaired immediately to the Harvard Club, where they dined leisurely and
chatted late into the evening. The RAF pilots were good company and
told many stories, although they glossed over their experiences in the
war. They continued to check their watches frequently throughout the
night, but he decided it was just a nervous habit they had picked up
somewhere - possibly in the air force.
As midnight approached,
the two RAF pilots excused themselves are rose from the table. They
thanked the Harvard man for a memorable evening and started for the
door. Then the tall pilot turned back and told their host that they had
always wanted to visit Times Square, but never had the opportunity. It
was strange, the pilot added, that they had to wait until after they
were dead - killed in action when their planes were shot down the night
before over Berlin - to fulfill this dream.The Harvard man
stiffened, his eyes widening incredulously and his mouth falling open in
shock. He gasped but could not speak. The phantom RAF pilot smiled
sardonically at him, nodded, and joined his friend in the doorway. Then
the pilots vanished before the astonished man's eyes, just at the stroke
of twelve midnight.
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