Exploding Toads in Humburg Germany!!!
A day of spring in Humburg Germany German female toads are ready for ovulation. Every toads has it's own creations of finding it's partner.Late days in Humburg germany whispering and talking about a Thousands of toads exploding in the area of Humburg,Germany.Reported in 2005 a truly bizarre case of exploding of toads , are just really big speculations needed to be investigate and whys that happened in that particular place, is there any science fictions, or it's a natural variation type of cause of exploding toads.
Here's a Report:
Exploding toads baffle Germans
Corpses litter Hamburg 'pond of death'
By Lester Haines
Posted in Science, 28th April 2005 10:18 GMT
The Register
"German toad experts are baffled by an acute outbreak of exploding toad syndrome which has totalled hundreds of the amphibians since the beginning of the month. The former inhabitants of a Hamburg pond - now chillingly renamed the "pond of death" - spontaneously swelled to enormous proportions before going bang, in the process propelling their entrails for up to a metre.
Hamburg nature protection society spokesman,
Werner Smolnik, told the Hamburger Abendblatt daily: "It looks like a scene from a science-fiction movie. The bloated animals suffer for several minutes before they finally die."
Janne Kloepper, a boffin at Hamburg-based Institute for Hygiene and the Environment, added: "It's absolutely strange. We have a really unique story here in Hamburg. This phenomenon really doesn't seem to have appeared anywhere before." She added that lab tests have ruled out a bacteriological or viral cause of the explosions, and have further shown the pond water to be normal. Tests for another possible agent - a fungus accidentally introduced from South America - have also proved negative.
The authorities have moved swiftly to protect the public from the exploding toad menace. The pond is now closed and a biologist is on station every night between 2 and 3am, when toad explosions reach a peak.
In Australia, meanwhile, we're certain that toadologists are awaiting with eager anticipation the identification of the cause of the exploding German toad. Oz currently hosts 100 million unwelcome cane toads and there's nothing the Aussies would like more than to see a landscape littered with the corpses of eviscerated, exploded toads."
Imagine that! Swelling prior to explosion, going bang, propelling entrails, protecting the public from the 'menace', a biologist on duty, explosions that reach a peak during 2/3 am, Aussies waiting to find the reason so that they might employ it against their own amphibian horde. My mental picture grew much more complex. My fits of giggles happened more frequently.
Werner Smolnik, identified as a Hamburg nature protection society spokesman, stated on April 26, 2005 that in the previous four days, at least 4,000 toads in Hamburg had died by explosion. "It could be an unknown virus, or a fungus that has infected, or a defense mechanism against aggressive crows,...but we haven't a clue. Soon there will be no toads left! "
There have also been reports of exploded toads in a pond
near Laasby in central Jutland in Denmark.Local environmental workers in Hamburg have described
it as a scene out of a horror or science fiction movie, with the bloated
frogs agonizing and twitching for several minutes, inflating like balloons
before they suddenly burst. Hamburg's Institute for Hygiene and the Environment regularly
tests water quality in the city and has found no evidence the toads were
diseased. The institute also ruled out a fungus brought in from South America
was infecting the toads.
Other theories have been that horses on a nearby track might have infected the amphibians with a virus, or even that the toads are committing suicide to save others from overpopulation.
"Frank Mutschmann found all had identical circular incisions on their backs, small enough to be the work of a bird's beak. 'There were no bite or scratch marks, so we knew the toads weren't being attacked by a raccoon or rat, which would also have eaten the entire toad,' he said. 'It was clearly the work of crows, which are clever enough to know the toad's skin is toxic and realise the liver is the only part worth eating. Only once the liver is gone does the toad realise it's being attacked. It puffs itself up as a natural defence mechanism. But since it doesn't have a diaphragm or ribs, without the liver there is nothing to hold the rest of it's organs in. The lungs stretch out of all proportion and rip; the rest of the organs simply expel themselves. ''The toads' grisly deaths are, in fact, a well-documented phenomenon. First recorded in Germany in 1968, exploding toads have been reported in the country, as well as Belgium, Denmark and America. Hamburg's toads started to explode during their week-long mating season."
Is it
indeed likely that several thousand toads were killed by crows? If
thousands of crows were pecking thousands of toads causing them to
explode in response, how is it possible no one noticed? Not one
eyewitness report even mentions crows.
I should think the toad would bloat very rapidly once it was under attack. Perhaps it takes hours for your average toad to notice it's liver has been violently removed. This could cause it to "bloat" and explode after the fact when there are no crows present.NO toads died afterwards. Not one. No blown apart toads, mating season or not. No toads exploded in Hamburg in 2006 or 2007 or any of the years that have passed since. No flocks of starving crows desperately searching for toads have been spotted. And I can't STOP nagging a Questions.!!??
Could hungry crows be a reasonable answer???
What were these tests for a fungus accidentally introduced from South America about? Does fungus in South America cause local toads to explode?? " Og Ngano kaha nga ang gagmay nga matang sa hayop ga padayon ang mestiryo sa pagkapatay sa mga BAKI "??.
Also, how on earth does a crow figure out that the only eatable part of a toad is the liver? How does it figure out how to extract the aforementioned liver without the toad noticing? How is it that I, who spent a boyhood around frogs, toads, crows and ponds have never seen this? Why 2005 and never before or since? What does the mating season have to do with it? Don't crows get hungry and toads have livers all year round? Why do toad explosions peak between 2 and 3 am? How loud is the explosion? Why doesn't the toad hop away when attacked by the crow? How fast can a crow peck out the toads liver?
followed this up on the net but found no information. All leads about
exploding amphibians of any kind lead back to Hamburg. But as I research about NOT only amphibians are kinda do explode. Uncommon Explosion Animals are an event arising through natural causes or human activity.Other instances of exploding animals are defensive in nature or the result of human intervention.
In the meantime, officials in Hamburg have advised residents to stay away from the pond, which German tabloids have dubbed "the death pool."
Initial theories had included a viral or fungal infection, possibly one also affecting foreign horses involved in racing at a nearby track. However, laboratory tests were unable to detect an infectious agent.
The fact of the matter is that No One Knows.........as i always think and say to my self there would be a main reason why this was happened in our Ecodiversity. God created Animals to engage with HUMAN ECOSYSTEM as well as BALANCE in our Nature.
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As i seen the pictures and the videos as reported , I can't really imagine things how hard to watch and explained about things was happened to a small creation of nature.
- It's left onlookers baffled. The pond water in Hamburg has been tested, but its quality is no better or worse than elsewhere in the city. The toad remains have been checked for a virus or bacterium, but none has been found.
Here's a Report:
Exploding toads baffle Germans
Corpses litter Hamburg 'pond of death'
By Lester Haines
Posted in Science, 28th April 2005 10:18 GMT
The Register
"German toad experts are baffled by an acute outbreak of exploding toad syndrome which has totalled hundreds of the amphibians since the beginning of the month. The former inhabitants of a Hamburg pond - now chillingly renamed the "pond of death" - spontaneously swelled to enormous proportions before going bang, in the process propelling their entrails for up to a metre.
Hamburg nature protection society spokesman,
Werner Smolnik, told the Hamburger Abendblatt daily: "It looks like a scene from a science-fiction movie. The bloated animals suffer for several minutes before they finally die."
Janne Kloepper, a boffin at Hamburg-based Institute for Hygiene and the Environment, added: "It's absolutely strange. We have a really unique story here in Hamburg. This phenomenon really doesn't seem to have appeared anywhere before." She added that lab tests have ruled out a bacteriological or viral cause of the explosions, and have further shown the pond water to be normal. Tests for another possible agent - a fungus accidentally introduced from South America - have also proved negative.
The authorities have moved swiftly to protect the public from the exploding toad menace. The pond is now closed and a biologist is on station every night between 2 and 3am, when toad explosions reach a peak.
In Australia, meanwhile, we're certain that toadologists are awaiting with eager anticipation the identification of the cause of the exploding German toad. Oz currently hosts 100 million unwelcome cane toads and there's nothing the Aussies would like more than to see a landscape littered with the corpses of eviscerated, exploded toads."
Imagine that! Swelling prior to explosion, going bang, propelling entrails, protecting the public from the 'menace', a biologist on duty, explosions that reach a peak during 2/3 am, Aussies waiting to find the reason so that they might employ it against their own amphibian horde. My mental picture grew much more complex. My fits of giggles happened more frequently.
Werner Smolnik, identified as a Hamburg nature protection society spokesman, stated on April 26, 2005 that in the previous four days, at least 4,000 toads in Hamburg had died by explosion. "It could be an unknown virus, or a fungus that has infected, or a defense mechanism against aggressive crows,...but we haven't a clue. Soon there will be no toads left! "

Other theories have been that horses on a nearby track might have infected the amphibians with a virus, or even that the toads are committing suicide to save others from overpopulation.
"Frank Mutschmann found all had identical circular incisions on their backs, small enough to be the work of a bird's beak. 'There were no bite or scratch marks, so we knew the toads weren't being attacked by a raccoon or rat, which would also have eaten the entire toad,' he said. 'It was clearly the work of crows, which are clever enough to know the toad's skin is toxic and realise the liver is the only part worth eating. Only once the liver is gone does the toad realise it's being attacked. It puffs itself up as a natural defence mechanism. But since it doesn't have a diaphragm or ribs, without the liver there is nothing to hold the rest of it's organs in. The lungs stretch out of all proportion and rip; the rest of the organs simply expel themselves. ''The toads' grisly deaths are, in fact, a well-documented phenomenon. First recorded in Germany in 1968, exploding toads have been reported in the country, as well as Belgium, Denmark and America. Hamburg's toads started to explode during their week-long mating season."

I should think the toad would bloat very rapidly once it was under attack. Perhaps it takes hours for your average toad to notice it's liver has been violently removed. This could cause it to "bloat" and explode after the fact when there are no crows present.NO toads died afterwards. Not one. No blown apart toads, mating season or not. No toads exploded in Hamburg in 2006 or 2007 or any of the years that have passed since. No flocks of starving crows desperately searching for toads have been spotted. And I can't STOP nagging a Questions.!!??
Could hungry crows be a reasonable answer???
What were these tests for a fungus accidentally introduced from South America about? Does fungus in South America cause local toads to explode?? " Og Ngano kaha nga ang gagmay nga matang sa hayop ga padayon ang mestiryo sa pagkapatay sa mga BAKI "??.
Also, how on earth does a crow figure out that the only eatable part of a toad is the liver? How does it figure out how to extract the aforementioned liver without the toad noticing? How is it that I, who spent a boyhood around frogs, toads, crows and ponds have never seen this? Why 2005 and never before or since? What does the mating season have to do with it? Don't crows get hungry and toads have livers all year round? Why do toad explosions peak between 2 and 3 am? How loud is the explosion? Why doesn't the toad hop away when attacked by the crow? How fast can a crow peck out the toads liver?
In the meantime, officials in Hamburg have advised residents to stay away from the pond, which German tabloids have dubbed "the death pool."
Initial theories had included a viral or fungal infection, possibly one also affecting foreign horses involved in racing at a nearby track. However, laboratory tests were unable to detect an infectious agent.
The fact of the matter is that No One Knows.........as i always think and say to my self there would be a main reason why this was happened in our Ecodiversity. God created Animals to engage with HUMAN ECOSYSTEM as well as BALANCE in our Nature.
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